Technical Program

PS-2A: Poster Session 2A

Session Type: Poster
Time: Friday, September 7, 17:15 - 19:15
Location: Symphony/Overture
 PS-2A.1: Evidence for an Intuitive Physics Engine in the Human Brain
         Sarah Schwettmann; MIT
         Josh Tenenbaum; MIT
         Nancy Kanwisher; MIT
 PS-2A.2: A public fMRI dataset of 5000 scenes: a resource for human vision science
         Nadine Chang; Carnegie Mellon University
         John Pyles; Carnegie Mellon University
         Abhinav Gupta; Carnegie Mellon University
         Michael Tarr; Carnegie Mellon University
         Elissa Aminoff; Fordham University
 PS-2A.3: Signal power as the limited resource of working memory
         Thomas Christie; University of Minnesota
         Paul Schrater; University of Minnesota
 PS-2A.4: Izhikevich Models For Hippocampal Neurons And Its Sub-Region CA3
         Priyamvada Modak; Indian Institute of Technology Madras
         V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy; Indian Institute of Technology Madras
 PS-2A.5: Structure from Noise: Mental Errors Yield Abstract Representations of Events
         Christopher Lynn; Univ of Pennsylvania
         Ari Kahn; Univ of Pennsylvania
         Danielle Bassett; Univ of Pennsylvania
 PS-2A.6: Hierarchical nonlinear embedding reveals brain states and performance differences during working memory tasks
         Siyuan Gao; Yale University
         Gal Mishne; Yale University
         Dustin Scheinost; Yale University
 PS-2A.7: Inverse POMDP: Inferring Internal Model and Latent Beliefs
         Zhengwei Wu; Baylor College of Medicine
         Paul Schrater; University of Minnesota
         Xaq Pitkow; Rice University
 PS-2A.8: Unsupervised learning of manifold models for neural coding of physical transformations in the ventral visual pathway
         Marissa Connor; Georgia Institute of Technology
         Christopher Rozell; Georgia Institute of Technology
 PS-2A.9: Equivalence of Equilibrium Propagation and Recurrent Backpropagation
         Benjamin Scellier; University of Montreal
         Yoshua Bengio; University of Montreal
 PS-2A.10: Effect of Signal Alteration on Learning Shape Identity using Sparse Representations
         Michael Slugocki; McMaster University
         Allison B. Sekuler; Baycrest Health Sciences
         Patrick J. Bennett; McMaster University
 PS-2A.11: Activation alignment: exploring the use of approximate activity gradients in multilayer networks
         Thomas Mesnard; Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms
         Blake Richards; University of Toronto Scarborough
 PS-2A.12: Inference of dynamic probabilistic internal representations from reaction time data
         Balázs Török; MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics
         Dávid G. Nagy; MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics
         Karolina Janacsek; Eötvös Loránd University
         Dezső Németh; Eötvös Loránd University
         Gergő Orbán; MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics
 PS-2A.13: Does the brain represent words? An evaluation of brain decoding studies of language understanding
         Jon Gauthier; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
         Anna Ivanova; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 PS-2A.14: The strength of functional connectivity between the frontoparietal and default mode systems correlates with behavioral performance on a variety of tasks in the Human Connectome Project
         Andrew Murphy; University of Pennsylvania
         Maxwell Bertolero; University of Pennsylvania
         Danielle Bassett; University of Pennsylvania
 PS-2A.15: Topographic Deep Artificial Neural Networks (TDANNs) predict face selectivity topography in primate inferior temporal (IT) cortex
         Hyodong Lee; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
         James DiCarlo; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 PS-2A.16: A Large Scale Multi-Label Action Dataset for Video Understanding
         Mathew Monfort; MIT
         Kandan Ramakrishnan; MIT
         Dan Gutfreund; IBM Research and MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
         Aude Oliva; MIT
 PS-2A.17: High-Level Features Organize Perceived Action Similarities
         Leyla Tarhan; Harvard University
         Talia Konkle; Harvard University
 PS-2A.18: Intuitive Physical Inference from Sound
         James Traer; Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
         Josh McDermott; Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
 PS-2A.19: Combining Convolutional Neural Networks and Cognitive Models to Predict Novel Object Recognition in Humans
         Jeffrey Annis; Vanderbilt University
         Thomas Palmeri; Vanderbilt University
 PS-2A.20: Decision by Sampling Implements Efficient Coding of Psychoeconomic Functions
         Rahul Bhui; Harvard University
         Samuel J Gershman; Harvard University
 PS-2A.21: The neurocomputational mechanisms of human sequential decision making under uncertainty in a spatial search task
         Dirk Ostwald; Freie Universität Berlin
         Lilla Horvath; Freie Universität Berlin
 PS-2A.22: Spectral Power Variation Separates Oscillatory from Non-Oscillatory Stochastic Neural Dynamics
         Richard Gao; University of California, San Diego
         Lauren Liao; University of California, San Diego
         Bradley Voytek; University of California, San Diego
 PS-2A.23: Worminator: A platform to enable bio-inspired (C. elegans) robotics
         Raphael Norman-Tenazas; Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
         Jordan Matelsky; Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
         Kapil Katyal; Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
         Erik Johnson; Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
         William Gray-Roncal; Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
 PS-2A.24: The role of textural statistics vs. outer contours in deep CNN and neural responses to objects
         Bria Long; Stanford University
         Talia Konkle; Harvard University
 PS-2A.25: Linking neural representations for decision-making between monkey and human cortex
         Paula Kaanders; University of Oxford
         Hamed Nili; University of Oxford
         Tim Behrens; University of Oxford
         Laurence Hunt; University of Oxford
 PS-2A.26: Learning Simple Computations in Dynamical Systems by Example
         Jason Kim; University of Pennsylvania
         Danielle Bassett; University of Pennsylvania
 PS-2A.27: Combining Biological and Artificial Approaches to Understand Perceptual Spaces for Categorizing Natural Acoustic Signals
         Marvin Thielk; University of California San Diego
         Tim Sainburg; University of California San Diego
         Tatyana Sharpee; Salk Institute
         Timothy Gentner; University of California San Diego
 PS-2A.28: Emergence of Topographical Correspondences between Deep Neural Network and Human Ventral Visual Cortex
         Yalda Mohsenzadeh; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
         Caitlin Mullin; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
         Dimitrios Pantazis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
         Aude Oliva; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 PS-2A.29: Evidence for chunking vs. statistical learning in motor sequence production
         Nicola J. Popp; University of Western Ontario
         Neda Kordjaz; University of Western Ontario
         Paul Gribble; University of Western Ontario
         Jörn Diedrichsen; University of Western Ontario
 PS-2A.30: Natural Sound Statistics Predict Auditory Grouping Principles
         Wiktor Mlynarski; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
         Josh McDermott; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 PS-2A.32: Constructing neural-level models of behavior in working memory tasks
         Zoran Tiganj; Boston University
         Nathanael Cruzado; Boston University
         Marc W. Howard; Boston University
 PS-2A.33: Representational dynamics in the human ventral stream captured in deep recurrent neural nets
         Tim C Kietzmann; University of Cambridge
         Courtney J Spoerer; University of Cambridge
         Lynn Sörensen; University of Amsterdam
         Olaf Hauk; University of Cambridge
         Radoslaw M Cichy; Freie Universität Berlin
         Nikolaus Kriegeskorte; Columbia University
 PS-2A.34: Beware of the beginnings: intermediate and higher-level representations in deep neural networks are strongly affected by weight initialization
         Johannes Mehrer; University of Cambridge
         Nikolaus Kriegeskorte; Columbia University
         Tim C. Kietzmann; University of Cambridge
 PS-2A.35: Neural mechanisms of human decision-making
         Kai Krueger; eCortex Inc
         Seth Herd; eCortex Inc
         Ananta Nair; eCortex Inc
         Jessica Mollick; Yale University
         Randall O'Reilly; University of Colorado Boulder
 PS-2A.36: Modeling Hippocampal-Cortical Dynamics During Event Processing
         Qihong Lu; Princeton University
         Uri Hasson; Princeton University
         Kenneth Norman; Princeton University
 PS-2A.37: A dataset and architecture for visual reasoning with a working memory
         Guangyu Robert Yang; Columbia University
         Igor Ganichev; Google
         Xiao-Jing Wang; New York University
         Jonathon Shlens; Google
         David Sussillo; Google
 PS-2A.38: Auditory letter-name processing elicits crossmodal representations in blind listeners
         Santani Teng; Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
         Verena Sommer; Max Planck Institute for Human Development
         Radoslaw Cichy; Free University of Berlin
         Dimitrios Pantazis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
         Aude Oliva; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 PS-2A.39: Network constraints on learnability of probabilistic motor sequences
         Ari E. Kahn; University of Pennsylvania
         Elisabeth A. Karuza; University of Pennsylvania
         Jean M. Vettel; U.S. Army Research Laboratory
         Danielle S. Bassett; University of Pennsylvania
 PS-2A.40: Mapping the Human Cerebellum
         Maedbh King; University of California, Berkeley
         Rich Ivry; University of California, Berkeley
         Joern Diedrichsen; Western University
 PS-2A.41: How are the statistics of object co-occurrence represented in human visual cortex?
         Michael Bonner; University of Pennsylvania
         Russell Epstein; University of Pennsylvania
 PS-2A.42: Corticostriatal signatures of learning efficient internal models for control
         Daniel McNamee; University of Cambridge
         Matthew Botvinick; DeepMind
         Samuel Gershman; Harvard University
 PS-2A.43: Representations of 3D visual space in human cortex: Population receptive field models of position-in-depth
         Julie Golomb; Ohio State University
 PS-2A.44: Deep neural networks trained with heavier data augmentation learn features closer to representations in hIT
         Alex Hernández-García; University of Osnabrück
         Johannes Mehrer; University of Cambridge
         Nikolaus Kriegeskorte; University of CambridgeColumbia University
         Peter König; University of Osnabrück
         Tim C. Kietzmann; University of Cambridge
 PS-2A.45: Quantifying the effect of staining methods on extracted neuron morphology
         Roozbeh Farhoodi; University of Pennsylvania
         Benjamin Lansdell; University of Pennsylvania
         Konrad Kording; University of Pennsylvania
 PS-2A.46: Training Humans and Machines
         Aki Nikolaidis; Child Mind Institute