Special Events

In addition to talks and posters, CCN 2018 will involve three exciting special events:

Mind Matching

Meet the people most important to you! CCN 2018 will feature a computer-assisted networking event. Participants will meet and engage in conversation with a new scientist every 10 minutes. An algorithm will determine who meets whom and where. (90 min)

Challenges and Controversies

What it would mean to succeed at understanding how cognition is implemented in the brain? Three invited scientists with very different perspectives will challenge each other’s definitions of success. Speakers will present 15-min challenge talks and then engage each other and the audience in lively debate. (90 min)

Speakers: Jack Gallant, Dan Yamins, and Hyo Gweon

Cross-collaboration Breakouts

Gather in smaller groups to discuss specific challenges related to cross collaboration between the disciplines. Invited discussion leaders will kick-start the conversation with short presentations. (90 min)

Friday, September 7, 15:45 - 17:15

SE-BK1: How can we share cognitive and control tasks between humans, animals, and models?

Speakers: Laurence Hunt, Jane Wang, and Theresa Desrochers

SE-BK2: How can we best combine insights about vision gained with animal models, computational models, and humans?

Speakers: Emily Cooper; Chris Kanan; Elias Issa

SE-BK3: How can we incorporate connectivity data into neural network models?

Speakers: Grace Lindsay and Richard Betzel

Saturday, September 8, 13:10 - 14:40

SE-BK4:What can we learn about neural circuit implementation of computations using large- and small-scale brain data?

Speakers: Laura Lewis and Daniel Yamins

SE-BK5: How can we bring neuroscientific insights into neural network models?

Speakers: Liberty Hamilton, Urs Koster and John Murray

SE-BK6: How can we relate the architectures of high-level vision between humans, monkeys and models?

Speakers: Talia Konkle, Winrich Freiwald, and Dileep George

SE-BK7: What is systems consolidation for? Examining the potential utility of memory transformation for humans and artificial intelligence

Speakers: Blake Richards and Anna Schapiro



Wednesday, September 5

13:00 - 17:00

Video Tutorial T-A: Computational Neuroscience - "How neurons may represent and compute with uncertainty", by Maneesh Sahani, University College London Aria
Video Tutorial T-B: Cognitive Science - "Structure learning in brains, minds and machines", by Sam Gershman, Harvard University; Anne Collins, University of California, Berkeley Ormandy East
Video Tutorial T-C: Artificial Intelligence - "Deep Generative Models: Foundations, applications and open problems", by Danilo Rezende, DeepMind Ormandy West

15:00 - 15:30

Break Ormandy Foyer

18:00 - 20:00

Welcome Reception Doubletree Pool Deck

Thursday, September 6

08:30 - 09:00

Video Opening Ceremony / Remarks Ormandy

09:00 - 09:50

Video Keynote KN-1: Alison Gopnik Ormandy

09:50 - 10:20

Morning Break Ormandy Foyer

10:20 - 11:10

Video Keynote KN-2: Ryan Adams Ormandy

11:10 - 12:00

GS-1: Contributed Talks I Ormandy

12:00 - 13:00

Lunch [on your own]

13:00 - 13:40

GS-2: Contributed Talks II Ormandy

13:50 - 14:30

GS-3: Contributed Talks III Ormandy

14:30 - 15:00

Afternoon Break Ormandy Foyer

15:00 - 16:30

Special Event SE-MM: Mind Matching Ormandy

16:30 - 18:30

PS-1A: Poster Session 1A Symphony/Overture
RS-1A: Late Breaking Research 1A Late-Breaking Research Area

18:30 - 18:45

Poster Transition

18:45 - 20:45

PS-1B: Poster Session 1B Symphony/Overture
RS-1B: Late Breaking Research 1B Late-Breaking Research Area

Friday, September 7

09:00 - 09:50

Video Keynote KN-3: Josh McDermott Ormandy

09:50 - 10:30

GS-4: Contributed Talks IV Ormandy

10:30 - 11:00

Morning Break Ormandy Foyer

11:00 - 12:00

GS-5: Contributed Talks V Ormandy

12:00 - 13:00

Lunch [on your own]

13:00 - 13:50

Video Keynote KN-4: Tim Lillicrap Ormandy

13:50 - 15:20

Video Special Event SE-CC: Challenges and Controversies Panel Ormandy

15:20 - 15:45

Afternoon Break

15:45 - 17:15

Special Event SE-BK1: Cross-collaboration Breakout: How can we share cognitive and control tasks between humans, animals, and models? Ormandy
Special Event SE-BK2: Cross-collaboration Breakout: How can we best combine insights about vision gained with animal models, computational models, and humans? Aria
Special Event SE-BK3: Cross-collaboration Breakout: How can we incorporate connectivity data into neural network models? Concerto

17:15 - 19:15

PS-2A: Poster Session 2A Symphony/Overture
RS-2A: Late Breaking Research 2A Late-Breaking Research Area

19:15 - 19:30

Poster Transition

19:30 - 21:30

PS-2B: Poster Session 2B Symphony/Overture
RS-2B: Late Breaking Research 2B Late-Breaking Research Area

Saturday, September 8

09:00 - 09:50

Keynote KN-5: Marlene Cohen Ormandy

09:50 - 10:30

GS-6: Contributed Talks VI Ormandy

10:30 - 10:50

Morning Break

10:50 - 11:40

Video Keynote KN-6: Eero Simoncelli Ormandy

11:40 - 12:20

GS-7: Contributed Talks VII Ormandy

12:20 - 13:10

Lunch [on your own]

13:10 - 14:40

Special Event SE-BK4: Cross-collaboration Breakout: What can we learn about neural circuit implementation of computations using large- and small-scale brain data? Ormandy
Special Event SE-BK5: Cross-collaboration Breakout: How can we bring neuroscientific insights into neural network models? Aria
Special Event SE-BK6: Cross-collaboration Breakout: How can we relate the architectures of high-level vision between humans, monkeys and models? Orchestra
Special Event SE-BK7: Cross-collaboration Breakout: What is systems consolidation for? Examining the potential utility of memory transformation for humans and artificial intelligence Concerto

14:40 - 15:00

Afternoon Break

15:00 - 15:50

Video Keynote KN-7: Danielle Bassett Ormandy

15:50 - 16:20

Video Final Words Ormandy

16:30 - 17:30

Closing Mixer